Α15 - HERITAGE AND THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (Sustainable Cities and Communities) The Architecture of Saint Lazarus Church Saint Lazarus Church was designed and built on Minecraft by the Erasmus Students at Regional Gymnasium of Livadia who worked in the Erasmus + Let's be Eco-sustainAble, towards 2030 project and AURELIO GOMEZ ESCOLAR (Burgos) students who worked in the Erasmus Project Experiential development of the mathematics curriculum through European cultural heritage architecture 2021-1-ES01-KA122-SCH-000014900. It is important for students to feel passionate towards their culture and to understand the importance of protecting monuments, churches and cultural heritage for future generations. Students who understand cultural heritage will feel the need to protect it and make sure that it carries on for their children and their grandchildren and so on. Erasmus students from Regional Gymnasium of Livadia and AURELIO GOMEZ ESCOLAR (Burgos) studied the history and the architecture of Saint Lazarus Church and they worked together to build the church of Saint Lazarus using Minecraft.
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Let's be Eco-sustainAble, towards 2030
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